Honey seems to have settled in and has adjusted to her new home. They tell me she is laughing more and visiting with her table mates during meals. I also think we have finally achieved a better balance on her meds. She is much more alert and with it most of the time. We are going back to the Retinal eye specialist today. Hopefully, this treatment will give her some of her vision back. I know she would be so much happier if we could get some of her vision restored so she could do more of the things she likes doing. She goes to the beauty shop every week and likes looking pretty. I am glad they have such a nice facility that offers all of these amenities. I will keep you posted as to her vision progress.
Ken has been out in New Mexico for several weeks. Carla and I will be joining the boys Saturday, Oct. 24. Janis and Aunt Florine wll be coming out around the 10th of Nov. and Kim and Chris around the 5th for hunting. It will be a full couple of weeks but we are really looking forward to our company. We always like to show off our house. We are very pleased with it and are looking to the day that all Ken has to do is go out and enjoy.
Everyone is invited...just let us know when you want to come out.
The house is nice. But, that sky? It is gorgeous!!!!