Friday, November 20, 2009

Life is a circle

On my previous post I talked about the loss of my friend. On the same day I heard of her passing, I received the beautiful pictures of our Addison Mae who will be coming to be with us in early February. God giveth and God taketh away. It is all the circle of life. What a glorious miracle birth is and what a glorious miracle death is. The in-between is just a ride that we all must take and how we handle that ride is up to us. I have chosen to enjoy and appreciate what God has given me. I can't say that was always my attitude...I think for a while in my life I was so wrapped up in THINGS, I didn't take the time to just enjoy. We have to find the peace within ourselves to find the pleasure in all things.


Life should not not measured by the number of breaths we take, but in the moments that take our breath away.

A beautiful sunset in the mountains near our home in Carrizozo...if ever you have a doubt of who is in charge, stop and watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset. It will remove all doubt.

1 comment:

  1. That is a glorious picture!!!! (Now go change your settings on your camera to remove the date!!!)
