Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rest in Peace Juny!

For those of you who follow this blog as well as melifaif life blog, you know I don't do nearly the job of posting that she does. I am , however, compelled to post today. As I raised my daughters, I was blessed with so many happy and wonderful events. I was honored to have known their friends and have been blessed with the opportunity to continue watching most of them grow into fine and productive adults. Our world was destroyed this week by the horrible senseless murder of Evaristo Sierra, a.k.a. June Bug, Juny, Pookie Bear, and I am sure other assoted names. Juny, how I knew him best, was a delightful young man with a smile that would light up a room and was always ready with a hug and a positive word. His murder was the act of a coward and I know without doubt that God will deal with whoever decided to take this fine young mans life.
We talk about peace in this world. Until we decide to let people be themselves and just STOP the needless violence and accept that we all have a place in this world, there will be no peace. KNOW God, KNOW Peace, NO God, NO Peace! No one will ever know what went through Juny's mind the last few seconds of his life. I am sure it was filled with the love he felt for his family, Karen, in particular and his sisters and parents and all of the countless friends who loved him so dearly. I, personally, will never understand how anyone could willfully and intentionally, take the life of another human being. Even the monster that took the life of our beloved friend. I do, however, hope that they are caught and brought to justice so that they are made to hear the impact they had on so many by this shameful act. At that point I hope they are allowed to meet their maker so that they can answer to the only real power that matters and make atonement for the horror they created. Rest in Peace, Juny and God Bless You!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for remembering our friend. He is and will continued to be loved tremendously! He is now at Peace. And hopefully we will receive our peace too. The day that the coward(s) who took his life are brought to justice. I pray that day comes. Soon.
