Monday, March 22, 2010

Who knows where this road will lead...

It has been a very busy two months since I posted anything and I know all of you have just been waiting with baited breathe ( or not). Since my last post I hyave been busy working for the Census Bureau...It's is your hands...Mail it back! Seriously, it is very important that everyone mail their Census form back ASAP. Did you know that it is estimated that if Texas gets an accurate count this time around, that we stand to gain 3 - 4 additional seats in Congress? 10 questions, 10 minutes...JUST DO IT! Those are my words of wisdom for today.

On a much more important note, since my last post, Ken and I became grandparents again. Kimberly and Chris welcomed Addison Mae Purdy (Addie Mae) into their hearts and home on 02/01/2010 (cool date, huh) Needless to say, she is beautiful. If I can remember how, I will post a picture for all to pay homage to.
I will try to get back on the blogging wagon and keep you updated on Addison's growth .

1 comment:

  1. Good, since Mommy Kimmy is not on her blog!!! Ha. Nice to have you back mom.
